Sunday, February 20, 2005

Something to listen to

It's time that I posted a couple unfinished tracks from Mythconception. Here's a little something to listen to.

Track 3: Stigma (4:15 long, 6 MB)

A fairly "heavy" song, with more guitar and more "attitude" than is on the rest of the album. Crunchy, rhythmic and dark.

Track 5: Sarah In the Garden (5:24 long, 7.6 MB)

A gentle and (I hope) romantic track describing the first encounter between the two main characters of the album, and their developing relationship.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005


image via
Originally uploaded by Special.

This wonderful photo by Krystle got me thinking about a mythological point. The model's expression is a little sexy, but mostly it's mischievous. It makes me think about a whole new angle on the Eve/Pandora myths of the woman who unleashes trouble on the world: what if she totally knew what she was doing? Maybe Eve and Pandora can be thought of as tough, hell-raising chicks, rather than as symbols of the old male tendency to blame women for all evil.